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4-H Youth Development

Photography Leader Training

C.A.T.S. (Cameras at the Springs), is a training, networking weekend held at Rock Springs 4-H Center.  The training is designed to provide 4-H leaders with hands on photo shooting activities, resources from print, web resources, mentors and materials.

When: Saturday, October 9 at 10:00am, through Sunday, October 10, with dismissal at 10:30am

Where: Rock Springs 4-H Center

Who: Adult 4-H photography leaders and youth photography leaders, 4-H age 16 and older

More information coming soon!

If you are interested in serving as an adult 4-H photography leader, you could attend C.A.T.S. at no cost to you beyond transportation to Rock Springs, made possible by a grant from the Kansas 4-H Foundation to help increase Photography Leaders for Kansas 4-H.  If interested, contact Pansy Fryman at pansyfryman@gmail.com no later than Friday, September 24, 2021.


Another opportunity, while not strictly a training and not strictly for Adults, Shutterbugs in the Garden is a great option to learn and practice photography and get ideas to use in photography project meetings.